Another AGM has been and gone, and this year we say goodbye to two committee members: Competitions Coordinator, Johanna Botman, and our Chairperson, Irene Warfe.
BWI extend our greatest thanks to Johanna and Irene for the work they have done for BWI. Johanna brought a lot of vitality and enthusiasm to the competitions role this year, and while she may no longer be organising the flash fiction, I hope we continue to see her entries in it!
Irene has been on the BWI committee for a number of years, first as Competitions Coordinator and then as Chairperson. Irene brought with her a lifetime of experience as a writer, editor and educator to BWI, and she will be greatly missed by the committee and membership as a whole.
We would like to thank both of these wonderful women for the work they did for BWI, and we hope that we keep seeing you both around the place!
The new BWI committee for 2019 has been elected unopposed:
Chair: Rebecca Fletcher
Treasurer/membership: Phil Green
Secretary/public officer: Laura Wilson
Publicity and media: Vacant (RF to continue in the interim)
Competitions: Vacant (PG to continue in the interim)
We are also welcoming two general committee members: Kathy Burgum and Zoe Werner.
If you’re interested in either of the vacant roles, please do let us know. The committee members who are working those roles in the interim are happy to help you settle in and learn the ropes.