In preparation for the Annual General Meeting of Ballarat Writers on Wednesday 15 February, forms for nominations for committee are now available for download at the website. They will also be available at our January members night on Thursday the 25th.
Five committee positions need to be filled:
- chairperson
- secretary/public officer
- treasurer and membership coordinator
- competitions coordinator
- publicity and media coordinator
Click here to download a nomination form.
Nominations must be emailed or delivered to outgoing chairperson Jess McCulloch (see form for details) by Wednesday 8 February. Voting will take place at the AGM, at Bunch of Grapes Hotel, 401 Pleasant St South, Ballarat, at 7pm. The outgoing committee will be at the room early to gather feedback and ideas, and to answer questions from those who might be interested in taking Ballarat Writers forward.
Also available on the website is a proxy voting form for those unable to attend the AGM. This should be carried by the proxy on the night. Proxy forms will also be available at the members night on 25 January.
Click here to download a proxy voting form.
2017 is an exciting year for Ballarat Writers at its writing festival takes shape under its organising subcommittee. Current committee members will be available to advise the new committee on operating procedures, and handover documents will be available to further aid the transition.