Membership is available to writers of all genres, both aspiring and established.
Becoming a member of Ballarat Writers brings you into a warm and supportive community of writers. Membership is not expensive but the value to members is huge. Among those benefits are:
- discounts to workshops and other events
- opportunities to meet up with likeminded writers and participate in writing-related activities
- our monthly eNewsletter with BW news and opportunities
- a discount at several local Ballarat bookstores. (See below)
- a Members Listing page where you can promote your work and/or literary services
Membership fees
$30 waged
$20 concession (includes seniors, students, interstate)
$10 junior (12-17 years)
Free – Students studying in Ballarat, including high school, university and U3A
Membership runs from May 1 to April 30 each year. Generally from February onwards, we will grandfather new members into the next year (so if you paid in February 2021, you would have membership through to May 1, 2022).
Become a member
Online – the quickest way to become a member is to join online.
Join now via TryBooking
Post – print the membership form below and post with your payment.
BW Membership Form
Ballarat Writers is grateful for the support of our sponsors, which offer a 10% discount to our members. Present your current Ballarat Writers membership card to receive your discount.
- Collins Booksellers in Bridge Mall
- Known World Bookshop
- Everybody Knows Books
Want to become a sponsor? Email your interest in sponsorship
Due to Ballarat Writers’ group membership with Writers Victoria, our members can access certain WV benefits, on a first come, first served basis:
- Writers Victoria events: One member of the group can take advantage of the discounted rate per event.
- Writers Victoria manuscript assessment service: One member of the organisation can access the discounted rate per year of membership.
- Discounts at other businesses: For one identified member of the group.
Members of the group also have access to all other Writers Victoria services including use of the library and access to Writers Victoria staff for advice and information.
Please contact Writers Victoria directly to make use of these benefits.